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What Does Kratom Do to Your Kidneys?

Discover the impact of kratom on kidney health. Uncover risks, toxicity, and FDA warnings. Stay informed!

April 12, 2024

Understanding Kratom Use

Kratom, a tree native to Southeast Asia, has gained popularity in the United States over the past two decades due to its opioid-like properties and effects on pain control. It is typically used for pain relief, recreational purposes, and self-treatment of opioid use disorder. However, it is important to be aware of the potential toxic effects and risks associated with kratom use.

Popularity and Effects

Kratom use has become increasingly popular in the United States, with an estimated 10-15 million consumers. Its physiological effects are similar to opioids, including pain relief and euphoria, as well as stimulant properties. This combination of effects raises concerns about dependence and addiction.

Toxic Effects and Risks

While kratom may provide certain benefits, it is also associated with a range of toxic effects. These can include agitation, tachycardia (rapid heart rate), drowsiness, vomiting, seizures, and respiratory depression [1]. The misuse or excessive use of kratom increases the risk of adverse effects and potential harm to individuals.

Between 2011 and 2017, there were 1807 reports of kratom exposures in the United States, with approximately one-third resulting in admission to healthcare facilities and 51.9% resulting in serious medical outcomes. These statistics highlight the importance of understanding the potential risks associated with kratom use.

It is crucial for individuals considering kratom use to be aware of the potential toxic effects and risks involved. Seeking professional guidance and understanding the appropriate dosage and frequency of use can help minimize the potential harm associated with kratom consumption.

Kratom and Kidney Health

Kratom, a herbal supplement derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, has gained popularity for its potential effects. However, concerns have been raised regarding its impact on kidney health. In this section, we will explore hyperkalemia reports associated with kratom use and the potential mechanisms of kidney damage.

Hyperkalemia Reports

Hyperkalemia, an elevated level of potassium in the blood, has been reported in connection with kratom use. A case study highlighted a 61-year-old patient with no significant medical history who experienced kratom-induced hyperkalemia. After discontinuing kratom, the patient's potassium levels eventually normalized.

The exact mechanism by which kratom can lead to hyperkalemia is still being investigated, and further research is needed to understand the relationship between kratom and potassium homeostasis in the kidneys. Data on kratom's effects on potassium homeostasis and kidneys are limited. However, studies in rats have shown a statistically significant elevation in serum creatinine after prolonged administration of Mitragyna speciosa. Additionally, exposure to high doses of kratom has demonstrated nephrotoxicity in rats. The elevation of liver enzymes in kratom users suggests a potential effect on potassium levels.

Mechanism of Kidney Damage

Research on the effects of kratom on kidneys is still limited, but some studies suggest a potential link between kratom use and kidney damage. The primary compound in kratom, mitragynine, has been found to exert toxic effects on the kidneys in various studies. Long-term and heavy kratom use has also been associated with kidney failure. Prolonged consumption of kratom, typically over an average period of 11 years, may lead to suggestive signs of kidney failure, believed to occur after the liver becomes compromised and unable to remove toxins from the body. Symptoms of kidney failure usually manifest after approximately 1 to 8 weeks of severe kratom use.

While research is ongoing, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with kratom use, especially in relation to kidney health. If you have concerns or are experiencing any symptoms related to kidney function while using kratom, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and guidance.

Health Implications of Kratom Use

Kratom use has been associated with various health implications, including organ dysfunction and toxicity. Understanding these potential risks is crucial for individuals considering or currently using kratom.

Organ Dysfunction

Kratom use has been linked to organ dysfunction, including kidney injury, as well as other adverse effects on organs such as the heart, thyroid, lungs, and liver. The kidneys, in particular, may be affected by kratom, potentially leading to severe kidney failure. This can have serious consequences on overall health and wellbeing.

Toxicity and Adverse Effects

Kratom toxicity can present with a wide range of symptoms, including agitation, tachycardia (rapid heart rate), drowsiness, confusion, seizures, hallucinations, and even coma. High doses of kratom can result in toxicity, and there have been cases where kratom has been implicated in fatalities. These adverse effects can have significant implications for individuals using kratom, emphasizing the importance of understanding the potential risks involved.

It is essential to note that kratom-related health issues are not limited to kidney dysfunction and toxicity. Kratom use has also been associated with loss of appetite, constipation, bodily irritation or inflammation, itchiness, sweatiness, and liver damage. The loss of appetite caused by kratom consumption can lead to highly restrictive calorie intake, negatively affecting organs and other body parts that require nutrients for proper function. In severe cases, kratom can slow bowel movements, resulting in constipation and painful, harder stools.

Furthermore, the use of kratom has been associated with severe health issues such as breathing problems, liver damage, seizures, coma, and even death. A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported at least 91 overdose fatalities involving kratom between July 2016 and December 2017. Concerns also exist regarding potential contamination and inconsistency in active ingredient quantities in kratom products, as well as the presence of harmful substances like nickel and lead.

It is crucial to approach kratom use with caution and be aware of the potential health implications. If you are considering using kratom or currently using it, it is recommended to seek guidance from healthcare professionals who can provide personalized advice based on your specific health needs and circumstances.

Managing Kratom-Related Issues

When it comes to addressing kratom-related issues, there are various management strategies that can be employed. These strategies aim to provide supportive care and implement treatment regimens to help individuals struggling with kratom addiction.

Supportive Care

Supportive care plays a crucial role in managing kratom-related issues. It involves providing individuals with the necessary assistance and resources to address the physical and psychological effects of kratom use. Supportive care may include:

  • Counseling and therapy: Mental health professionals can offer guidance and support to individuals dealing with kratom addiction. Therapy sessions can help individuals explore the underlying reasons for their substance use and develop coping mechanisms.

  • Support groups: Joining support groups can provide individuals with a sense of community and understanding. Sharing experiences and challenges with others who have gone through similar struggles can be empowering and help in the recovery process.

  • Education and awareness: Raising awareness about the risks and consequences of kratom use is essential. By providing accurate information, individuals can make informed decisions regarding their health and well-being.

Treatment Regimens

Treatment regimens for kratom addiction are similar to those used for traditional opioid dependence. The use of opioid-replacement therapy may be considered. Treatment options may include:

  • Detoxification: Medically supervised detoxification can be necessary to safely manage withdrawal symptoms during the initial stages of recovery. This process helps individuals rid their bodies of kratom while receiving appropriate medical care.

  • Medication-assisted treatment: In some cases, medication-assisted treatment may be recommended. Medications such as buprenorphine or methadone can help reduce cravings and alleviate withdrawal symptoms. These medications are typically used in combination with counseling and therapy.

  • Behavioral therapies: Various behavioral therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and contingency management, can be effective in helping individuals modify their thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors related to kratom use. These therapies aim to develop healthier coping mechanisms and prevent relapse.

It's important to note that treatment regimens should be tailored to each individual's specific needs. A comprehensive assessment by healthcare professionals experienced in addiction treatment is crucial to develop an effective treatment plan.

By providing supportive care and implementing appropriate treatment regimens, individuals struggling with kratom addiction can receive the necessary support and resources to overcome their challenges and work towards a healthier, drug-free life. Seeking professional help is essential for a successful recovery journey.

Kratom and Mortality Rates

When considering the impact of kratom on individuals, it is important to explore the factors that can influence mortality rates associated with kratom use. While deaths solely attributed to kratom use are rare, there have been cases where fatalities involved the co-ingestion of other substances with fatal overdose potential [6].

Factors Influencing Mortality

The following factors can contribute to mortality rates in relation to kratom use:

  • Co-ingestion of other substances: Deaths associated with kratom use often involve the simultaneous use of other substances. The co-ingestion of substances with fatal overdose potential can significantly increase the risk of mortality [6].
  • Quality and purity of kratom products: The quality and purity of kratom products can vary. There is a risk of contamination and inconsistency in the quantities of active ingredients in kratom products. Some products have been found to contain harmful substances like nickel and lead.

Co-ingestion and Quality Concerns

The co-ingestion of other substances along with kratom can have detrimental effects on an individual's health and increase the risk of mortality. It is crucial to be aware of the potential interactions between kratom and other substances, as well as the potential for overdose when combining substances with overdose potential.

Furthermore, the quality and purity of kratom products can vary significantly. Contamination and inconsistency in the quantities of active ingredients in kratom products pose potential risks to individuals using kratom. Harmful substances such as nickel and lead have been found in some kratom products, which can have adverse effects on health.

It is important to approach kratom use with caution and be mindful of potential risks. Understanding the impact of co-ingestion and the quality of kratom products can help individuals make informed decisions and reduce the potential for harm. Seeking professional guidance and adhering to recommended dosage guidelines can also contribute to safer usage.

FDA Warnings and Regulations

As the use of kratom has gained popularity, concerns regarding its safety and regulation have emerged. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warnings about the potential risks associated with kratom use, emphasizing the lack of approval for any medical purpose [3].

Lack of FDA Approval

Kratom is not regulated like medication by the FDA; instead, it is classified as a dietary supplement. The lack of regulation means that kratom products do not undergo the same rigorous testing and quality control measures as approved medications. Consequently, the safety and effectiveness of kratom for any purpose remain unproven and unapproved by the FDA.

Contamination Risks and Harmful Substances

The lack of FDA regulation also raises concerns about contamination risks and the presence of potentially harmful substances in kratom products. In 2018, at least 199 individuals fell ill after consuming kratom tainted with salmonella, highlighting the potential for contamination.

Moreover, an FDA analysis in 2019 revealed significant levels of nickel and lead in 30 kratom products. These heavy metals can be harmful with long-term exposure, further underscoring the potential dangers associated with consuming kratom.

It is important to note that kratom has been associated with severe health issues such as liver damage, kidney failure, seizures, coma, and even death. Between July 2016 and December 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported at least 91 overdose fatalities involving kratom. The substance has also been found in newborn and nursing babies, suggesting potential transfer from mother to child through breastfeeding or the placenta.

In summary, the FDA has not approved kratom for any medical use and warns about the potential risks associated with its use. The lack of FDA regulation increases the risk of contamination and the presence of harmful substances in kratom products. It is important to prioritize safety and exercise caution when considering the use of kratom.


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